Pro-Trump, Pro-Hilary

Election 2016

One of the biggest challenges as a designer is to communicate a message that you may not believe in. Not every project we do is our take on a matter. 

To practice solving this obstacle, I challenge myself to create campaign posters for Election of 2016 for both final candidates: Trump and Hilary. In total, there are four posters that cover all opinions and angles: pro-Trump, pro-Hilary, against-Trump and against-Hilary. Regardless of my personal bias towards the two, I must follow these restrictions. 

Pro-Trump, Pro-Hilary

Pro-Trump, Pro-Hilary

During the Second Presidential Debate, both candidates were taken back by a question asked by an audience member. "Name one thing you respect about each other." Taking their direct quotes, I used their answers to attest to the candidates' positive attributes. 

Against Trump, Against Hilary

Against Trump, Against Hilary

These poster series is designed to display the public criticism of each candidate. Trump's loud claims are often full of hypocrisy and contradiction. This poster demonstrates this by exposing the truth behind his promise of "jobs for all." The definition of all is flawed because of his prejudice against all Americans. On the other hand, Hilary is often called out for using her gender as a tactic in her campaign. Her feminism is questioned and more so compared to elitism. 

 Alongside with some colleagues who also did the same exercise, we exhibited our series at the entrance of a polling station in hope to attract attention of the voters. (11.7.16)

Alongside with some colleagues who also did the same exercise, we exhibited our series at the entrance of a polling station in hope to attract attention of the voters. (11.7.16)

 The left four posters are my designs. 

The left four posters are my designs.